
The article deals with the problems of professional self-assessment of a future special teacher. Previously, various approaches were investigated in determining the necessary personal and professional qualities, the content of education and professional training of a teacher. For the personality of the future special teacher today it is necessary to develop such qualities as competence, decency, politeness, self-control of their personal and professional behavior. The analysis of scientific works and empirical experience has shown the importance of a holistic study of the professional qualities of a future special teacher. The purpose of the article is the scientific substantiation of the development of professional self–esteem of the future special teacher.  A structural and meaningful model of the development of professional self-esteem of students-future special teacher was developed. The model includes three components: cognitive, motivational, and self-management. The experiment was attended by 220 students KazNPU named after  Abai   university. To establish the level of self-government and self-esteem, diagnostics were used: I. Motkov's questionn aire, G.Kazantseva's questionnaire "Self-assessment of personality", as well as diagnostics of Bubnova's value orientations. The results of the study made it possible to establish an average level of self-management and self-development among students of the 2-3 courses, higher than average in the 4th year. The number of students with normal self-esteem by the 4th year increases from 46.7% to 64.3%. For the development of self-management and self-esteem of students, a new course "Self-assessment elective course" was tested. Keywords: self-assessment, self-improvement, professional, Correctional pedagogy, special education.

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