
High-quality training of professional specialists in the rocket and space industry is impossible without the initiation and development of creative research thought in the process of developing new, promising samples of the future equipment and technologies for their production and operation. The development and formation of skills of research creative activity should begin already during training in high school and be formalized to the working level while studying at higher educational institutions.
 In the presented work, within the framework of the educational and scientific program for the preparation of bachelors in the specialty "Aviation and Rocket and Space Technology", special attention is paid to the problematic issues of today and promising areas of their solution, which is reflected in the "first place", in the process of teaching professional special courses. An important component of research training is also the presentation and consideration of problematic issues at a professional student seminar, which is regularly, twice a month, held on line and the participation of teachers and graduate students of the department of design and construction of rocket and spacecraft of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The result of this seminar is the annual submission of up to twenty to thirty reports only for the international youth scientific and practical conference "Man and Space".
 For a conscious choice of the direction of individual creative activity in the work, a list of questions offered by the department for research work of bachelors and masters that may be of interest to employees of basic enterprises in the industry is given.

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