
Abstract. The article presents a detailed analysis of the elective discipline “Professional Medical Communication between a Doctor and a Patient”. The curriculum for the discipline is prepared for students studying at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine under the educational program “Medical Care” of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the branch of knowledge 22 “Healthcare”, specialty 222 “Medicine”. “Professional Medical Communication between a Doctor and a Patient” is taught to third-year students. The following topics are studied: 1. The concept of norms and language education of a doctor. 2. Language skills of a doctor. 3. Communicative characteristics of the Ukrainian literary language as parameters for assessing the professional communication of a medical professional with a patient. 4. Dynamic lexical and semantic processes in the modern Ukrainian medical terminology. 5. Functional potential of medical terminology units. 6. Medical jargon of the doctor. 7. Word-formation identity of modern Ukrainian medical terms. 8. Grammatical features of the organization of medical communication. 9. Typical language errors in professional communication between a doctor and a patient. 10. Reference medical text.
 The purpose of studying the discipline is: to form systematic knowledge and understanding of the conceptual foundations of the study of the professional Ukrainian language of a physician with the prospect of its further use in professional activities; to provide students with communication needs in the educational, professional and educational-scientific spheres; to form language competence, communication skills of future specialists; to achieve exemplary language skills of a medical professional when communicating with a patient; in-depth study of lexical and semantic potential, word-formation identity of medical terminology and organization of perfect medical education.

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