
In the article, in line with the problem of rozbudovi i zmіtsnennya Zbroynyh Forces and right-wing military formations of Ukraine, the need for the development of professional culture of future officers in the military ZVO, which should be methodical, advanced and technologically advanced, has been updated.
 Metoyu stattі in ruslі rozglyadu Especially realіzatsії provіdnih metodologіchnih zdobutkіv suchasnoї teorії that practice profesіynoї pіdgotovki th dosyagnen gumanіtarnih that psycho-pedagogіchnih Sciences at vіyskovіy sferі viznacheno aktualіzatsіyu power pіdvischennya rіvnya profesіynoї culture maybutnіh ofіtserіv zasobami formuvannya such її komponentnіv, yak methodically doslіdnitska th, tehnologіchna kompetentnіst .
 The concept of "professional competence" has been tlumed as a suborder of the concept of "professional culture" and such that it is based on the professional instrumental competencies of a future officer, how to avenge: a methodical skladnik - understanding and ker_vnitstvo fahovim dokіllya, organization and optimization of the hour, as well as reducing the vibudovuvat strategy of learning, solving and solving problems; doslidnitsky skladnik - volodinnya directing to a thorough improvement of knowledge, intelligence, skills, readiness and motivation to wine work and improvement of її results; technologic warehousing – building of victorious equipment, zdіbnosti and computer skills of information management; communicative skladnik – linguistic vminnya and competence.

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