
THE challenge of islamic education teachers in the millennial era is how they are able to build student character professionally and the other side they also can integrate and interconnect between islamic education lessons and general knowledge (science and technology) and social humaniore studies. Moreover, based on the statistics of islamic education teachers in the academic year 2018/2019, the number of islamic education teachers in Indonesia is huge in numbers and spread throughout among all provinces in Indonesia, namely 224,403 islamic education teachers, so it is the potential exists in Islamic education that is able to build character through an integrative-interconnect paradigm , as the theory formulated by expert of M. Amin Abdullah. So, the focus of this article: first, why is the professionalism of Islamic education teachers still an important thing in islamic education learning in this millennium era?; second, how should be a professional islamic education teacher in building the character of his students who live in the millennial era?; third, how should be a professional islamic education teacher in integration and interconnection between Islamic studies and general science in islamic education learnin ?; and fourth, how can a teacher explore his professional capacity in milenial era?. The approach used in this paper is a descriptive approach, that is only describing or analyzing the professionalism of islamic education teachers in the millennial era, especially in building character and conducting scientific integration and interconnection during islamic education learning.

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