
This research is aimed to explore the role of Islamic education teachers in developing religious character values in students, dentifying support factors and hampering implemented programs from Islamic education teachers in developing religious character values in students of SMA PGRI 1 Lumajang. This research uses a qualitative approach, the type of research is case studies, the data collection technique used observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the role of Islamic religious education teachers in developing the values of religious character in students had two roles, namely when learning had the role of a teacher, mentor, leader or class manager, driver of faith awareness, motivator in learning, learning resources, facilitator, while religious activities at school make monitoring books, make questionnaires, and give assignments about religious activities carried out by students at school and at home. Supporting factors namely family factors, the surrounding environment, school environment, facilities and infrastructure, student is to use approach using individual and counseling approaches, Islamic education learning methods. Inhibiting factors namely limited time for Islamic education learning, lack of student interest in participating of religious activities, increasingly sophisticated technology, there are students who do not fill the monitoring book, lack of individual teacher approach, there are various student attitudes and behaviors.


  • This research is aimed to explore the role of Islamic education teachers in developing religious character values in students, dentifying support factors and hampering implemented programs from Islamic education teachers in developing religious character values in students of SMA PGRI 1 Lumajang

  • The results showed that the role of Islamic religious education teachers in developing the values of religious character in students had two roles, namely when learning had the role of a teacher, mentor, leader or class manager, driver of faith awareness, motivator in learning, learning resources, facilitator, while religious activities at school make monitoring books, make questionnaires, and give assignments about religious activities carried out by students at school and at home

  • 1. Peran yang dilakukan guru PAI pada saat proses pembelajaran di kelas dalam mengembangkan nilainilai karakter religius yaitu guru berperan sebagai (a) pengajar, (b) pembimbing, (c) pemimpin atau manajer kelas, (d) pendorong kesadaran keimanan, (e) motivator dalam pembelajaran PAI, (f) sumber belajar, dan (g) fasilitator, adapun peran guru PAI dalam mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter religius pada peserta didik pada saat kegiatan keagamaan di sekolah berlangsung yaitu melihat/memantau, mengawasi dan mengontrol perilaku/perbuatan peserta didik dalam melakukan kegiatan tersebut

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Info Artikel : Diterima 14 September 2020 Direvisi 1 Oktober 2020 Dipublikasikan 26 Oktober 2020. Kata Kunci: Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Nilai-Nilai Karakter Religius. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter religius pada siswa terdapat dua peran yaitu pada saat pembelajaran berperan sebagai pengajar, pembimbing, pemimpin/manajer kelas, pendorong kesadaran keimanan, motivator dalam pembelajaran, sumber belajar, fasilitator, sedangkan pada saat kegiatan keagamaan di sekolah membuat buku pantau , membuat angket, dan memberikan tugas tentang aktivitas keagamaan yang dilakukan peserta didik di sekolah maupun di rumah. Faktor penghambatnya yaitu keterbatasan waktu pembelajaran PAI, kurangnya minat siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan keagamaan, semakin canggihnya teknologi, adanya peserta didik yang tidak mengisi buku pantau, kurangnya pendekatan guru secara individual, adanya sikap dan perilaku siswa yang beragam

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