
We are very sad to announce the passing of Isabelle Tillie-Leblond on March 13, 2013, at the age of 48, after a too-short but intense career. Born to a large family, she was the youngest of seven siblings, and consequently very close to her parents. Her father, a teacher in a private college, was Isabelle’s model and taught his youngest daughter the great principles of life: courage, perseverance and love of others, but also cheerfulness and joie de vivre . Isabelle also knew well a close friend of the Tillie family, Albert Decourtray, a priest who was to become the Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon; he was her godfather. After her father died, Isabelle kept a close relationship with this eminent Prelate. He remained her valued advisor, always available despite the heavy burden of his work: he always was a confidant and her mentor en humanisme . Isabelle loved life passionately. She loved her family: her husband David, a radiologist, and her twins Nathan and Francois, whom she admired a lot. One of her qualities was the capacity to throw her whole being (energy, mind and heart) into what she was doing at every moment. It was also true for her patients: …

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