
In the article, results of researches on an establishment of an optimum level of polyphenolic carbon complex from Antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra are resulted. Experimental studies conducted in terms of problem research laboratory of feed additives National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Independent experiment was conducted with growing quails. We conducted a randomized block experiment with 4 treatments, each with 4 replicates of 30 growing birds (1 to 42 d of age). It was experimentally established that feeding quails polyphenolcarbonate complex from antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra, the basis of which is melanin, in the compound feed at 1.0 mg/kg increased body weight at 42 days of age by 3.2 % (P < 0.001). Feeding the complex at the level of 0.5 mg/kg contributed to a probable increase in body weight of animals by 2.9 % (P < 0.001). The difference between animals of groups 3 and 4 was 0.3 %. This indicates an already effective dose of the complex at the level of 0.5 mg/kg of feed. Adding to the feed complex at the level of 0.1–1.0 mg/1 kg of feed helps to reduce feed costs by 0.6–1.6 %. The most effective feed conversion for the 1–42-day period is set at 3,345 kg per 1 kg of body weight gain of quails.


  • Productivity of quails for use in fodder of polyphenol carbon complex from antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra

  • Experimental studies conducted in terms of problem research laboratory of feed additives National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

  • Independent experiment was conducted with growing quails

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It was experimentally established that feeding quails polyphenolcarbonate complex from antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra, the basis of which is melanin, in the compound feed at 1.0 mg/kg increased body weight at 42 days of age by 3.2 % (P < 0.001). Експериментально встановлено, що згодовування перепелам поліфенолкарбонового комплексу з антарктичних чорних дріжджів Nadsoniella nigra, основу якого складає меланін, у складі комбікорму на рівні 1,0 мг/кг сприяло підвищенню маси тіла у 42-добовому віці на 3,2 % (Р < 0,001). Метою дослідження було проведення досліду з доцільності застосування поліфенолкарбонового комплексу з антарктичних чорних дріжджів Nadsoniella nigra (ПФК) у годівлі молодняку перепелів м’ясного напряму продуктивності та встановити оптимальні рівні його введення до комбікорму та дослідити їх вплив на показники росту, продуктивності та конверсію корму

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