
The possibilities of adaptation and exteriorization of production and reproduction performance of Khaki Campbell stump of ducks in breeding conditions of Brazzaville in Congo have been studied. Two homogeneous groups of Khaki Campbell have been constituted. The witness group has been subjected to diet A food which is composed by local agricultural produce and products and Mineral Azoth Vitamin Complex (CMAV). Diet B is only composed by local agricultural produce and products. Without animals proteins has been administered to experimental group. The difference of weight has not been significant. Talking about the intensity of lay, a really significant difference has been recorded to ducks subjected to diet A. The egg weight in these two diets (A and B) has been similar. The consumption of food per egg has been inferior in diet A. The accumulated portions have been equivalents compared to live weight. The carcass weight and fat liver did not record significant difference. The abdominal fat weight has been significant in diet B. This study contributes in diverse strategies of improvement of ponder growth and ducks eggs production and the development of poultry farming in Congo on the one hand and the other hand profit breeding only through local agricultural products without using the mineral azoth vitamin complex.

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