
A randomised block design study was conducted to evaluate the effects of mange on cattle. Twenty-four Simmentaler Fleckvieh bulls were formed into eight replicates of three bulls based on Day −56 body weight (288–414 kg). Within replicates bulls were randomly allocated to groups G1: uninfested control, G2: infested control or G3: infested, treated with 0.2 mg ivermectin/kg (1% ivermectin injection; IVOMEC ®, Merial) on Day 0. The G2 and G3 bulls were infested with Sarcoptes/ Chorioptes mites on Days −56 and −49. Feed consumption was recorded daily throughout the study (Days −56 to 56). Body weights were measured and serum samples collected. Mites were counted at bi-weekly intervals from Day −14 on. The carcasses of the bulls and the leather produced from their hides were evaluated. Differences between variables were declared significant if P≤0.05. All G2 and G3 bulls became infested. No Sarcoptes or Chorioptes mites were detected on the G3 bulls after Day 14 or Day 28, respectively, whereas G2 bulls maintained infestation throughout the study. From Days −42 to 0, anti- Sarcoptes antibody levels in the two infested groups increased linearly, while levels in the uninfested G1 remained near zero. From Day 14 to Day 56, antibody levels in G2 continued to increase and those in G3 decreased ( P≤0.05). From Days −56 to 0, G1 had significantly greater mean weight gain (94.0 kg) than the infested G2 and G3 (76.1 and 75.9 kg). During Days 0–56, G3 gained significantly more weight (90.4 kg) than G2 (58.8 kg), while G1 gained 76.0 kg, not significantly different from either G2 or G3. During Days −56 to 0, the feed conversion efficiency (kg gain/kg feed) of the infested G2 and G3 was significantly lower than that of the uninfested G1; during the 56 days following treatment, feed conversion efficiency of G3 was significantly higher than that of G2, while the uninfested G1 was intermediate. Carcass weight of G2 was significantly lower than those of G1 and G3, which did not differ significantly. Carcass yield, rib eye area and weight of kidney fat of the uninfested G1 were significantly greater than those of G2 and G3. Weights of the adrenal glands, prescapular and precrural lymph nodes were significantly higher for the infested G2 than for the other two groups. Significantly less of leather area from the infested G2 was of usable quality than of the leathers from the uninfested G1 or the infested, treated G3, and the leathers from G2 showed significantly more severe gouging or etching than leathers from the two other groups.

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