
The study of white lupine samples of grain-forage direction developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine were carried out for three years (2019–2021) on the fields of the collection farm of the of the department of plant production, breeding and olericulture of the Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin. There have been studied 4 varieties and 26 lines, the variety ‘Michurinsky’ was the standard in the trial. According to the seed productivity in all years of study, most varieties and lines significantly exceeded the standard. On average for 3 years, the most productive lines were ‘SN 17-14’, ‘SN 54-08’ and ‘SN 12–13’, which increase ranged from 43 to 48 % in comparison with the standard variety. Productivity increase from 34 to 39 % was given by the lines ‘SN 816-09’, ‘SN 1735-10’, ‘SN 35-13’ and ‘SN 77-17’. The increase of the varieties ‘Pilgrim’ and ‘Aliy parus’ and four lines ‘SN 18-13’, ‘SN 15-13’, ‘SN 55-14’, ‘SN 138-16’ varied from 21 to 26 % compared to the standard. The variety ‘Timiryazevsky’ and lines ‘SN 1397-10’, ‘SN 78-16’ and ‘SN 25-11’ exceeded the standard on 13–18 %. At the same time, the lines ‘SN 76-16’ and ‘SN 1022-09’ produced the lowest yields, significantly inferior to the standard. The calculation of the adaptability coefficient has shown that the varieties and lines that provided high and stable seed productivity over the years are also highly adaptive to the arid conditions of the region, since this coefficient has exceeded 100 %. The protein percentge in seeds on average for 3 years ranged from 29.55 to 36.45 % with 32.27 % for the standard. Its percentage exceeded 35.0 % among 7 lines and the variety ‘Pilgrim’. The oil content in seeds of the white lupine varieties and lines on average for 3 years ranged from 10.00 to 11.54 %. Most varieties and lines in the trial according to the content of alkaloids in seeds belong to the group of low alkaloids (up to 0.099 %) and medium alkaloids (up to 0.299 %).

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