
Since diabetic microangiopathy and macroangiopathy are characterized by type IV collagen accumulation in vascular basement membranes, it was of interest to study type IV collagen production and type IV collagenase secretion by endothelial cells (EC) cultured in high glucose and to evaluate the role of protein kinase C (PKC) activation in the alterations induced by high glucose. Primary cultures of human umbilical vein EC were exposed to high glucose concentration for 3 days at the beginning of confluence. The number of EC decreased with glucose concentration from 5 to 50 mM. At 16.7 mM glucose concentration, the amount of type IV collagen, determined by a two-step ELISA, increased in the culture supernatant and in the insoluble fraction associated with the extracellular matrix and cells; proline incorporation was more markedly elevated in the collagenous than in the total proteins of the culture supernatant and of the extracellular matrix and cell extracts. Gelatin zymography of the culture supernatant showed that EC mainly produce a 72-kDa gelatinase known to degrade type IV collagen. At 16.7 mM glucose concentration, total gelatinase activity per millilitre of culture supernatant was reduced and the 72-kDa gelatinase activity measured on the zymogram scan was lowered. When EC were exposed to 16.7 mM glucose, the specific PKC inhibitor GF 109203X corrected the increases in type IV collagen concentration and in proline incorporation into the collagenous or total proteins present in he culture supernatant or in the extract of the insoluble fraction, including the extracellular matrix and cells. Our results show that soluble and insoluble type IV collagen accumulation by EC cultured at high glucose concentration is not only associated with increased synthesis of the collagenous and total proteins but also with decreased total 72-kDa gelatinase activity in the extracellular fluid. The observed effects of GF 109203X are in favor of the involvement of PKC activation in the type IV collagen accumulation.

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