
Myelination is essential for proper conduction of impulses across neuronal networks. Mature, myelinating glia differentiate from progenitor cells through distinct stages that correspond to oligodendrocyte-specific gene expression markers. RT-qPCR a common technique used to quantify gene expression across cell development; however, a lack of standardization and transparency in methodology may lead to irreproducible data. Here, we have designed and validated RT-qPCR assays for oligodendrocyte genes and reference genes in the developing C57BL6/J mouse brain that align with the MIQE guidelines including quality controls for primer specificity, temperature dependence and efficiency. A panel of eight commonly used reference genes was ranked using a series of reference gene stability methods that consistently identified Gapdh, Sdha, Hmbs, Hprt1 and Pgk1 as the top candidates for normalization across brain regions. In the cerebrum, myelin gene peaked in expression at postnatal day 21 which corresponds to the peak of developmental myelination. The gene expression patterns from the brain homogenate were in agreement with previously reported RNA-seq and microarray profiles from oligodendrocyte lineage cells. The validated RT-qPCR assays begin to build a framework for future investigation on the molecular mechanisms that regulate myelination in mouse models of brain development, aging and disease.

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