Multinucleon transfer in low-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions is widely discussed as a method of production of yet-unknown neutron-rich nuclei hardly accessible (or inaccessible) by other methods. Modeling of complicated dynamics of nuclear reactions induced by heavy ions is done within a multidimensional dynamical model of nucleus-nucleus collisions based on the Langevin equations. The model gives a continuous description of the system evolution starting from the well-separated target and projectile in the entrance channel of the reaction up to the formation of final reaction products. In this paper, rather recent sets of experimental data for the 136 Xe+198 Pt,208 Pb reactions are analyzed together with the production cross sections for neutron-rich nuclei in the vicinity of the N = 126 magic shell.
Numerical solution of the Langevin equations (3) starts from the approaching stage of collision, when the target and projectile are separated by 50 fm, and finishes, when two reaction products are formed and separated again by an approximately 50 fm distance
The covered angular range was 25◦ ✓lab 70◦. Both reaction products were detected in coincidence using the time-of-flight method
The experimental resolution (FWHM) is 7 units for the fragment mass and 25 units for each of the fragment energies. These experimental conditions and uncertainties are taken into account in the calculations
Production and study of neutron-rich nuclei is one of the main trends in nuclear physics. Numerical solution of the Langevin equations (3) starts from the approaching stage of collision, when the target and projectile are separated by 50 fm, and finishes, when two reaction products are formed and separated again by an approximately 50 fm distance Each solution of these equations is a trajectory in the space of collective coordinates. In order to study the characteristics of final fragments we use the statistical model of de-excitation of an excited rotating nucleus [19] In this approach, the di↵erential cross sections are calculated as follows: (i) a large number of trajectories at di↵erent impact parameters 0 < b < bmax are simulated; (ii) additional limitations on energies, angles, etc. Where ∆N is a number of trajectories in specific energy and angle bins and Ntot is the total number of simulated trajectories for each impact parameter
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