
Process of education and training in the countries all over the world is regulatedby law and founded on legal norms and standards. Process of education and training is prograrmned to provide knowledge for future, should be rational, cannot be considered as independent and has to be based on the world's standards of quantity and quality of knowledge given. Developing cOlmtries especially have to maintain and pursue clearly defined goals to be achieved, as well as guiding principles behind the system of education andtraining. It is convenient to observe the process of education and training, in developing countries, as an adaptive system of management with a reference model, where the reference model could be selected among some of the world's leading centres (universities, research centres etc) for the process of education and training, in the same field and profession. In developing countries, the process of education and training has to be an adaptable system, upon which an influence can be exercised, through the mechanism of adaptation. It is important that the evaluation of the process of education and training in developing countries is done in objective and unbiased manner, and necessary changes in the process of education and training suggested.

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