
On behalf of the Organizing and Technical Program Committees, the General and Program Chairs warmly welcome all the participants of the 18th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design - SBCCI 2005. This year's symposium is being hosted by the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the city of Florianopolis, Brazil. This event is being held in conjunction with two other meetings: the 20th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMICRO2005, and a Student Forum on the same themes as both SBCCI2005 and SBMICRO2005.Over the years, SBCCI has been steadily growing as an important international forum for the presentation and discussion of significant research results on leading edge aspects of integrated circuits and systems design, such as analog, mixed-signal, and digital integrated circuits design, dedicated and reconfigurable architectures, CAD tools, design methods, embedded systems, verification and test methods. In the systems-on-chip (SoC) era, all these technical fields contribute to the advancement of computing, communication and information systems.The SBCCI 2005 Program Committee has made a major effort to thoroughly review and finally select 42 papers for the final program. This committee has members from all regions of the world: Europe, South America, USA and Japan. This year SBCCI received 118 submissions electronically from 17 countries, including France, Germany, United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Italy, Portugal, UK, Egypt, and 3 other Latin American countries. This ACM Press Proceedings clearly reflects the international participation in SBCCI, as papers from authors from 11 different countries were accepted for presentation. A total of 11 paper sessions deal with analog design and modeling, RF circuits, CAD methods and synthesis, circuit and SoC testing, embedded systems, low power digital design, on-chip communication (networks-on-chip), and reconfigurable systems.The Technical Program of SBCCI is enriched by many highlights: 2 keynote speakers, 3 invited talks, 4 tutorials, panels, and business sessions with presentations from industry experts. One keynote speech by A. Mercha deals with the architecture and technology interplay in RF CMOS systems in deep submicron circuits. The keynote by John Sanguinetti addresses the state-of-the-art in high level design methods. The invited talks cover hot topic areas in energy efficient networks-on-chip, multi-step analog-to-digital converters, and integrated circuit design for automotive applications. The SBCCI Program includes one full day of tutorials on IC and systems design issues, such as power management on SoC (system-on-chip) platforms, analog design methods, machine learning and high level design. This year, co-organized with two major FPGA companies, SBCCI hosts a student design contest to promote student participation in the systems design community and in the Symposia held jointly in the Chip on the Island event.Besides an exciting technical program, SBCCI offers social activities in the island city of Florianopolis, a jewel of southern Brazil coastline. The city is home to the Federal University UFSC campus. Spread over the whole island of 520 km2 there are several seaside towns ranging from smart tourist resorts to charming fisherman villages along white sandy beaches.

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