
The process of vocational and professional orientation for kids, adolescents and young people in Cuba, regarding the different professions and occupations constitutes a priority for the national education system. That is why the current doctoral investigation is an answer to the insufficiency of the didactic conception of the subject of study Civic Formation at the Junior High School, all this with the objective of contributing to the vocational and professional orientation of students. During the research process were used methods of theoretic level such as, synthesis-analysis, logical-historical and deduction-induction; and regarding the empiric level; the observation, quiz, interview and analysis of documents. The previously mentioned contribution would be implemented through a system of procedures in order to perform practical activities which would allow students to actively and consciously participate in the solution of productive and socially useful tasks in the community. Contributing that way to the development the qualities, morals and civic values, needed for the election of a future labor.

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