
Introduction. In the conduct of enterprises' activities during the full-scale war of the russian federation against Ukraine, special attention should be paid to the formation of enterprises labor and production potential, since the post-war development of organizations will be based on the involvement of high-quality raw materials and employees who can effectively use them. The paper identifies the main problems with the formation of the level of competitive potential of enterprises producing artificial Christmas trees. As a result, the authors suggests optimal ways to solve these problems, in particular, it is recommended to search for a new approach to assessing the level of development of the labor component of the competitive potential of an enterprise on the basis of a comprehensive set of indicators and to reorient to the application of European standards in the material and raw material supply of the production process of enterprises producing artificial Christmas trees. The purpose of the paper is to identify the problems of selecting and implementing tools to increase the competitive potential of enterprises producing artificial Christmas trees in European markets and provide the recommended ways to solve them. Results. The main problems within the formation of the level of competitive potential of enterprises producing artificial Christmas trees are the imperfection of the formation and assessment of labor potential due to the imperfection of the system of its assessment and the formation of production potential due to the use of raw materials that do not meet the standards and requirements of the legislation of the European Union. Conclusion. Authors’ recommendation is to search for a new approach to assessing the level of development of the enterprises’ competitive potential labor component based on a quantitative and qualitative set of indicators and to reorient to the application of European standards in the raw material supply of the production process of artificial Christmas tree enterprises, which will increase their competitive potential in the EU markets.

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