
The article examines the dairy and food subcomplex, which faces a number of problems, such as low livestock productivity, high production costs, milk price disparity between the agricultural producer and the processor, low competitiveness in the market, etc. To solve these problems, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies into production, improve the quality of livestock feed, and develop new methods of regulating the dairy subcomplex. Such measures will help to improve the condition of the dairy and food subcomplex and increase its competitiveness in the domestic market. The article discusses the milk-food sub-complex, which faces a number of problems, such as low livestock productivity, high production costs, disparity in milk prices between the agricultural producer and the processor, low competitiveness of domestic producers in the dairy market, etc. The problem of saturation of the food market with high-quality and affordable domestic food products is one of the main ones both at the state level and in a separate region, is directly related to the efficiency of production and characterizes the degree of adaptation of food complex enterprises to new economic conditions. The purpose of the work is to identify and assess the problems, as well as regional characteristics of the functioning of the milk-food subcommittee, which is of particular economic and food importance, since the standard of living of the population, the quality of reproduction of labor resources and food security of the region depend on the volume of production of milk and dairy products, their competitiveness. The article analyzed and assessed the current state of milk production and processing in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Key problems were identified both in the production and processing of milk and in the interaction of the participants in the milk-food subcommittee. The main directions for solving certain problems are highlighted to develop an integrated solution to the development of the milk-food subcommittee of the Nizhny Novgorod region. To solve these problems, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies into production, improve the quality of livestock feed, and develop new methods for regulating the milk-food subcommittee. Such measures will help improve the state of the milk-food subcommittee and increase its competitiveness in the domestic market.

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