
 Introduction. Global warming and so-called the “greenhouse effect” is one of the most discussed problems of physics and geopolitics, which has caused protest environmental movements in the world.
 Problem Statement. Widely discussed are both anthropogenic (the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere) and the natural concepts of global warming with the dramatic effects of climate change on the planet and individual regions.
 Purpose. Evaluate the state of the problem, to present the results of research and measures to possible reduction of the greenhouse effect.
 Materials and Methods. Authoritative literary sources were used to analyze anthropogenic and natural factors of global warming, including an explanation of the processes from physics that manifest themselves during solar-geomagnetic activity.
 Results. Ways and directions of increasing the efficiency of energy use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are identified.
 Conclusions. The greatest potential for increasing energy efficiency in the use of energy resources, and thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, lies in the heat supply sector of the country's housing and municipal sector. Prospects for further research are related to the development and implementation of organizational, economic and technological innovations in this energy sector.


  • Global warming and so-called the “greenhouse effect” is one of the most discussed problems of physics and geopolitics, which has caused protest environmental movements in the world.Problem Statement

  • Authoritative literary sources were used to analyze anthropogenic and natural factors of global warming, including an explanation of the processes from physics that manifest themselves during solar-geomagnetic activity

  • Prospects for further research are related to the development and implementation of organizational, economic and technological innovations in this energy sector

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Global warming and so-called the “greenhouse effect” is one of the most discussed problems of physics and geopolitics, which has caused protest environmental movements in the world.Problem Statement. Широко обговорюються як антропогенна (емісія парникових газів в атмосферу), так і природна концепції глобального потепління з драматичними наслідками зміни клімату для планети і окремих її регіонів.

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