
The purpose of the research. The article analyzes the activities of the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (VOKS) to strengthen ties with Iran through the policy of book exchange. Book exchange was an important part of the work of VOKS, since it made it possible to statistically track the nature of ties, and also made it possible not only to inform the interested layers of Iranian society about the USSR, but also to receive informative publications from them within the framework of book exchange. Based on the materials of domestic archives - the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) and the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI), it is demonstrated that the exchange of printed publications with Iranian institutions and individuals was an important component of the VOKS policy to expand cultural relations with Iran. The paper presents statistical data on book exchange and the addressees to whom the literature was sent. Results. Correspondence between authorized VOKS in Iran and the central office made it possible to identify the main problems associated with book exchange: firstly, the unequal ratio of sent and received publications in exchange - VOKS always sent more and received less. Secondly, the poor-quality selection of literature, both in terms of language, for example, books were sent in Uzbek and Ukrainian, and in thematic - overtly political brochures were sent that could not be used in Iran due to censorship. On the basis of archival materials from the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is demonstrated how Iranian officials were afraid to accept donated Soviet literature. Thirdly, the low quality of the literature. However, in addition to problems, there were also positive aspects. Directly in Iran, representative of VOKS sent out literature, taking into account its thematic scope and target audience. Important Soviet-Iranian cultural and scientific events in the 1930s - the millennium of Ferdowsi, the Third International Congress on Iranian Art and Archeology, the centenary of the death of A. S. Pushkin - were used as occasions for the transfer of relevant literature.

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