
The aim of this study was to analyze the current international agreements, the Ukrainian legislation on ensuring the educational needs of its national minorities, the observance of their educational rights and their compliance with international standards. The study is conducted on the example of the educational needs of Gypsies, Poles and Hungarians. The materials and methods used made it possible to carry out analytical and research work, identify shortcomings and offer clear proposals for the legal regulation of the educational provision of national minorities. Also, a questionnaire survey was conducted among representatives of national minorities studying in educational institutions in Ukraine. The system of general philosophical and scientific methods was chosen as a methodological basis. It is concluded that, in general, Ukrainian legislation complies with international and European standards of minority education, because it contains rules and guarantees to ensure full understanding of the native language of the national minority and, in the broadest sense, the legislator managed to find a balance between national, moral and cultural interests of these groups of Ukrainian citizens.

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