
The purpose of the study is to identify and systematize the features of modern sports ballroom dance, which should be the basis for the development of higher professional education in this field and its further specialization. The following tasks have been set: to determine the specifics of sports ballroom dance as a type of choreography, sport, and socio-cultural phenomenon.
 The methodology is based on a system-synergistic approach. The article is an analysis of the author’s own many years’ experience — sports, coaching, organization and teaching — by generalizing and systematizing observations.
 The results. New circumstances force further institutionalization of sports ballroom dancing, namely the definition and consolidation of social norms, rules, statuses and roles in this area, bringing them into a functioning system capable of self-development and self-reproduction. Sports ballroom dance has not lost its relevance even in the regions of Ukraine most affected by the armed aggression, proving once again its right to develop in the national cultural space. Its mass appeal, its reliance on fundamental ideas and images of life, and its potentially wide target audience of students will contribute to the resumption of competitions and the growing need for higher professional education. The profession of dance teachers is a promising area of work for universities. At the same time, the training of specialists in this field requires further specialization and institutionalization. It should be accepted as a fact that the career of ballroom dancing specialists will be in club and competition activities, and the educational process should be organized accordingly.
 The scientific novelty of the article is to clarify the peculiarities of the concept of sports ballroom dance in the system of choreographic art, its socio-cultural role, as well as to analyze dance competitions as the main sphere of their modern existence.
 The practical significance. Some provisions of the article can be used in education and special courses in ballroom choreography, theory and methods of dance sports and ballroom dance practices.

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