
Current assets play an important role in the production process, affecting the economic security of the enterprise in the region. The structure and assessment of the current assets of the enterprise is the most important part for its stable operation and development, as the level of economic security depends on a thorough study and optimization of the structure of current assets. Currently, any enterprise can face a variety of risks that adversely affect both the state of current assets and its economic security as a whole. To minimize these risks, it is necessary to ensure timely assessment of the current assets and control the reliability of information about the current assets of the enterprise.
 The company needs to create an optimal structure of current assets, in which there will be enough reserves, receivables, cash, etc., to carry out a continuous process of reproduction for normal operation. It is difficult to develop and implement specific activities that are necessary to control information resources. As a result, many managers do not think about creating a reliable information security system at the enterprise. If the company does not apply measures to minimize the risks affecting the state of current assets, the consequence of this there are certain consequences that have a negative impact on all activities.
 In this regard, it is important to study the problems associated with improving the efficiency of the use of current assets of the enterprise and, accordingly, to determine the ways to influence economic security.

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