
The study is devoted to the implementation of the «third mission» of universities, the relevance of which is due to the expansion of traditional functions, tasks and areas of responsibility of education. At the same time, the scientific community lacks a unified approach to understanding the nature, characteristics and forms of the «third mission» and the parameters of its Russian model have not yet been determined. The authors consider this problem through the prism of global challenges facing the system of higher education in Russia, which give universities new meanings and guidelines. The authors include mass characterization, globalization, utilitarianism and commercialization of higher education, innovation, the emergence of the social mission of universities associated with the reproduction of culture, Informatization, leading to the emergence of new forms of communication and organization of the educational process. Having analyzed the main scientific approaches to the definition of the essence, characteristics and directions of the «third mission» by the method of socio-philosophical analysis, the authors determine the positive effects of this activity for universities and regional society. They include the formation of a stable social environment in which it is possible to build long-term development strategies and the University and the region, increasing the attractiveness of the University for students, getting students competencies in demand in the economy and social sphere of the region. At the same time, the region has the opportunity to involve the University in the implementation of its development strategy. The main problems that prevent the introduction of the elements of the «third mission» in the practical work of educational institutions of higher education are identified, and ways to solve them are proposed. Conclusions are drawn about the need for universities to develop strategies for their development, taking into account the global transformation processes, changing needs of society, the peculiarities of interaction with the territorial authorities, the local community and other regional stakeholders.

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