
Formation of an independent democratic Belarusian state is inextricably linked with transformations in all aspects of public life and, first of all, in economy. Economic reforms in Belarus are directed on creation of socially oriented market economic system, which will ensure the most efficient usage of resources at minimum social cost. In the social economy concepts of “equality” and “poverty” are considered as basic ones. Social security services are based on these concepts and role of the social security in any country is to reduce poverty and increase equality. In modern world poverty is uniquely associated with a low level of economic development and its eradication is the first step on the path to economic growth. As for inequality, such clear connection of this concept with economic development can not be traced. There are various theories explaining the impact of inequality on economic growth. However, they cannot be considered satisfactory because they predict opposite results. Several studies have universally postulated a security as protection of vital interests of a human being, society and State from internal and external threats. Vital interests comprise a set of needs and satisfaction of these needs reliably ensures existence and possibility of progressive development of a human being, society and State which are the main objects of the security. Presence of a hierarchical structure for organization of the system or its subsystems is an essential feature for any socio-economic system. The economy is a poly-hierarchical system. When considering the hierarchical structure of production management it is important to consider one property of the economic system that is incompleteness of information.


  • As for inequality, such clear connection of this concept with economic development can not be traced

  • Social security services are based on these concepts and role of the social security in any country is to reduce poverty and increase equality

  • In modern world poverty is uniquely associated with a low level of economic development and its eradication is the first step on the path to economic growth

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Экономика промышленности

То столь явной связи с экономическим развитием не прослеживается. Существуют различные теории, объясняющие влияние неравенства на экономический рост. В ряде исследований безопасность универсально постулирована как состояние защищенности жизненно важных интересов личности, общества и государства от внутренних и внешних угроз. К жизненно важным интересам отнесена совокупность потребностей, удовлетворение которых надежно обеспечивает существование и возможности прогрессивного развития личности, общества и государства – основных объектов безопасности. Для любой социальноэкономической системы наличие иерархической структуры организации самой системы или ее подсистем является неотъемлемым свойством. При рассмотрении иерархической структуры управления производством важно учесть одно свойство экономической системы – неполноту информации. Ключевые слова: безопасность, государство, общество, предприятие, работник, угроза, интересы, экономика, эффективность, система хозяйствования, равенство, неравенство, бедность, иерархия. Н. Проблемы согласования целей и жизненных интересов при обеспечении социальноэкономической безопасности / Д. Shvayba1) 1)Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

Economy in Industry
Постановка задачи
Линия абсолютного равенства
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