
One of the most urgent problems in modern Kazakh society is the revitalization of the spirit of the people through a comprehensive study of the continuity of native culture and history, formed through the language and preserved in the language. The solution to this problem is directly related to the continuation of the structural system of language research to the anthropocentric direction, which is developing on a large scale in Kazakh linguistics and reflects the national view of the world in linguistic consciousness. In this regard, recent research and published lexicographic works show the relevance of using rich information from cultural and representative texts that reflect the existence of each people. Because such texts, which reflect the individuality and uniqueness of each nation, are the code, priceless precious heritage, and linguistic treasure of that nation as the main indicator of the formation of the nation. That is why collecting, sorting, understanding, and revitalizing cultural texts is a very urgent problem. They will survive from the depths of centuries from generation to generation and serve for the future of the mother tongue. So, if we take an inventory of our ancient cultural texts and create a corpus of the Kazakh language, a modern reflection of national values will be created in the language, and some forgotten or outdated words with dull meanings will be revived and taken a place in the vocabulary. Thus, the vocabulary of the language will become richer, the scope of use of the state language will expand, and the process of term formation will intensify.

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