
The main problems facing by the polytechnic engineering students in their conduit is English skills since they get less exposure to English in their engineering courses. The importance of English can’t be denied in the global world. It is now generally acknowledged that English is the most important language in the world. Because a strong command of the English language is beneficial to students in their career search, many technical and engineering schools make the study of English a required subject for all students. Even after finishing their education at a college, the vast majority of students are unable to attain the needed competency in written and spoken English, according to observations that have been made. Within the scope of this research, an effort was made to determine the degree of knowledge possessed by Polytechnic Engineering students hailing from the state of Assam. In order to accomplish this goal, a questionnaire of the respondent's own design was utilized to determine their degree of English abilities. It is anticipated that this research would speed up the process of introducing different changes to the teaching of English for Engineers in order for those Engineers to achieve the requisite level of proficiency. Many different types of businesses are looking for graduates with technical training, but they are also interested in individuals who are well-versed in "soft skills," or people skills. A solid basis for the development of soft skills may be laid with the help of an orientation in communication skills. The entire growth and development of professionals is significantly aided by a strong command of the English language. Hence the study has been made to throw a light on the problems and difficulties facing by the polytechnic engineering students of Assam.

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