
Introduction. Agricultural sector in Ukraine is becoming more and more attractive to investors. Ukraine has favorable climatic conditions and geographical location, the availability of agricultural lands, so it is able to increase the volumes of agricultural production. To create a stable and reliable AIC operation large investment in physical infrastructure and not less investment to solve urgent problems of social development are required. The aim of the study is to determine characteristics of investment in agricultural enterprises, to identify the main problems and prospects of attracting investment in agriculture. Problem. In modern conditions of the development of agriculture in Ukraine there are problems of technical and technological backwardness of agriculture from developed countries due to low incomes of agricultural producers for modernization, limited access of agricultural producers to the market in the conditions of its infrastructure imperfection and the increasing monopolization of retailers and slow pace of social development of rural areas. The main material. Enhancing of investment is not only a basic condition for the way out of a deep agricultural crisis, but also becomes a crucial determinant of its further development. That is, successful AIC Серія: Економічні науки Випуск 40. Частина ІV 113 development requires not only reforming of social structure in rural areas through institutional reforms that was a priority in initial period of agrarian reform, but also attracting of large investment in agricultural sector. The creation of preconditions for a massive influx of investment in agriculture must become an essential element of the strategy of the state agrarian policy today. First, it is necessary to provide the formation of a favorable, economically equivalent market environment at national level, in which the economy is susceptible to investment and in entities investment opportunities for capital recovery and its extension through their own and attracted funds including foreign capital are appearing and expanding. Results and discussion. To ensure the development of agricultural sector an effective organizational and economic mechanism based on a combination of government regulation and market self-regulation, balanced pricing, financial and credit policies, intensification of investment and innovation are needed. For the lack of financial resources it is necessary to find additional sources of funding. Conclusions and recommendations. The availability of rapid, reliable and accurate information formed by different types of accounting – financial, administrative, tax one – is an important direction that improves the efficiency of innovation and investment in agriculture. Thus, in the conditions of integration into the world economic relations there is a need to choose priority directions of the development of agricultural sector. In this regard it is necessary to correct the measures of internal agro-food policy of our country, including in the first place the intensification of innovation and investment activities of agricultural sector

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