
Introduction. A significant problem in construction area in theRussian Federation is the impossibility of high-rise wooden building. To solve this problem, it is necessary to study the state of the issue abroad and in theRussian Federation, and analyze the development prospects of this area. Main (analytical) part. The article provides examples of modern facilities (inBerlin,London,Melbourne and other cities), reflecting the state of high-rise wooden construction abroad. In the buildings considered, together with the predominant wooden structural and wood-containing finishing materials, reinforced concrete structural elements necessary for the implementation of complex technical systems are used, which can significantly reduce the time of their construction. In addition, the chosen approach allows to enhance environmental friendliness of buildings and structures, — due to the use of wood-containing materials, huge volumes of carbon dioxide are preserved and its emissions into the atmosphere during construction work are significantly reduced. The paper reflects the main provisions of technical regulation in the field of fire safety of building materials and structures in theRussian Federation. It is shown that the main reasons for the impossibility of using wooden structures in high-rise buildings are related to the peculiarities of technical regulation in theRussian Federation, in particular, the lack of the necessary methods for testing and certification of wooden building structures in high-rise construction. The necessity to optimize existing methods for testing wooden building structures is shown. Examples of various documents regulating the production and use of wooden and composite building structures are given. The work reflects in detail the international experience in the implementation of the main provisions of regulatory documents, as well as European tests for fire resistance, which shows the possibility of implementing such an experience in theRussian Federation. Conclusions. To develop a regulatory framework for the possibility of using wood structures in high-rise construction, it is necessary to conduct large-scale experiments on wooden structures in order to study their fire resistance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of combustible building materials.


  • A significant problem in construction area in the Russian Federation is the impossibility of high-rise wooden building

  • It is necessary to study the state of the issue abroad and in the Russian Federation, and analyze the development prospects of this area

  • Together with the predominant wooden structural and wood-containing finishing materials, reinforced concrete structural elements necessary for the implementation of complex technical systems are used, which can significantly reduce the time of their construction

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