
The article is devoted to the relevant issue of selfactualization for persons with juvenile category disabilities which is connected with the new paradigm of learning disabilities from the perspective of independent life and equality of rights for all without any exception citizens. The given problem satisfied the state strategy of developing a civil society, the democratic idea of necessary support and maintenance for equal rights and freedom that binds with the steady development of the modern social life. The purpose of the research is the development of advanced scientific and research perspective of the study of self-actualization for disables based on the analysis of contradictions of the socialization process in the juvenile period. The author implements that in the context of their proposed concept of human dignity. Self-actualization is considered by the author as a mechanism of social inclusion and integration for the disabled. This approach reflects the new context of conceptualization and scientific interpretation for these social processes due to a complex set of external and internal determinants. The author first developed and presented in the article a scientific interpretation of self-actualization process in relation to the juvenile period. As well, the author determined the problem field for scientific research of self-actualization for the juvenile category disabled and the practical opportunities for applying the received results for the developing social inclusion and integration practice.

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