
During the pre-trial investigation of qualified hooliganism, the investigator must find out all the circumstances of the committed crime, identify the persons involved and correctly classify their actions. In order to perform these tasks, it is necessary to skillfully put forward investigative versions, conduct a number of investigative (search) actions, in particular, interrogations, searches, inspections, appointing examinations, conducting covert investigative (search) actions, etc.
 The purpose of the article is to critically review the problematic issues that arise during the pre-trial investigation of qualified hooliganism. The objectives of the study are to establish the distinguishing features between the witness and the accomplice of group hooliganism, to determine areas for improving the process of pre-trial investigation of the facts of qualified hooliganism.
 The methodological basis of the study coversthe general scientific and special scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge (systemic, formal-logical, structural-functional, sociological, axiological). The involvement of these methods made it possible to conduct a theoretical and applied analysis of the facts of group hooliganism; to carry out content analysis of legislative acts, scientific publications and criminal proceedings, etc.
 Peculiarities of video surveillance from video surveillance cameras, use of such video as a means of proof in criminal proceedings are considered. Attention is paid to definition of the factors influencing activity of the investigator during pre-trial investigation on the facts of hooliganism.
 It is concluded that when delimiting the joint actions of participants in qualified hooliganism, the subjects of criminal procedure should take into account such active or passive actions as: incitement, provoking the beating of victims, not responding to cries of strangers to stop beating, ignoring actions to stop hooliganism, etc.
 It is determined that the most characteristic during the investigation of criminal proceedings on the facts of group hooliganism is the conduct of forensic portrait examination, examination of cold steel and other instruments of crime. The necessity of conducting psychiatric, psychological and narcological examinations of suspects is substantiated, which in some cases makes it possible to establish the key circumstances of the mechanism of the crime and the features that characterize the identity of the delinquent.
 It is stated that the investigation of group hooliganism is a complex, multifaceted activity to establish all the circumstances of a crime committed within the statutory period.

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