
This research aims to obtain a Problem Based Learning model assisted by Digital Media that is effective in Learning Class XI Speech Text Material in Senior High School/ Vocational School. The research uses qualitative methods with the ADDIE model design. The data used is primary data in the form of the results of the student learning process, data from interviews, observations and documentation studies. This research aims to obtain a Problem Based Learning model assisted by Digital Media that is effective in Learning Class XI Speech Text Material in Senior High School/ Vocational School. The research uses qualitative methods with the ADDIE model design. The data used is primary data in the form of the results of the student learning process, data from interviews, observations and documentation studies. The research location was Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Ma'had Al-Zaytun Indramayu, State High School (SMAN) Indramayu, and State Vocational High School (SMKN) Indramayu. Based on the recapitulation results of pre-test and post-test calculations using paired sample t-test in three schools, it can be explained that the average pre-test and post-test scores in the three schools have significant differences. At MA Al-Zaytun the difference in average value is 2.58541, calculations using the paired t-test produce t-count: 11.307, and at a significance level of 0.05, t-table: 1.697. This means that t-count > t-table, then it is in the "Very Significant" category. At SMAN Gantar, the difference in average value was 2.10819, when calculated using the paired t-test, it resulted in t-count: 17.709, and a significance level of 0.05, in the t-table: 1.697. This means that t-count > t-table, then it is in the "Very Significant" category. At SMKN I Gantar, the difference in average value was 2.34970, when calculated using the paired t-test, it resulted in t-count: 16.7820, and a significance level of 0.05, in the t-table: 1.697. This means that t-count > t-table, then it is in the "Very Significant" category. Thus, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Digital Media in Class XI Speech Text Material is able to improve students' speech competence.

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