
AbstractOzone (O3) pollution is a focus of the international community due to its health and environmental impacts. Organic peroxyl (RO2) radicals play a significant role in O3 initiation processes, which has implications for O3 mitigation. RO2 generated from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sources contribute substantially to O3 formation. However, quantifying the RO2 from diverse sources is a great challenge. For the first time, we proposed a new hybrid Receptor‐Kinetic model to quantify sources contributions to RO2 from the perspective of molecular level and functional groups of VOCs. We revealed that 3‐Hydroxy‐2‐butylperoxy (BUT2OLO2), 4‐Hydroxy‐3‐methyl‐1‐butene‐3‐ylperoxy (ISOPBO2) and 1‐Hydroxypropane‐2‐ylperoxy (HYPROPO2) radicals were the dominant RO2, which were driven by reactions of cis/trans‐2‐butene (from Biogenic Emissions and Solvent Usage), isoprene (from Biogenic Emissions), and propylene (from Liquid Petroleum Gas Evaporation), respectively. The three dominant RO2 radicals contributed significantly to O3 production (28%, 10% and 14%), comparing with other 16 RO2. Sensitivity studies indicated that O3 production can be decreased effectively by reducing the dominant RO2 species for each source. Quantitative evidence suggested that targeting dominant RO2 sources can be a novel direction for O3 control.

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