
Since it is known that relapse, morality, and hospitalizations have been tied to the presence of the Dopamine D2 Receptor A1 allele, as one example, and carriers of this gene variant have a proclivity to favor amino-acid therapy, it seems intuitive that the incorporation of modalities to provide a balance and or restoration of hypodopaminergia should be considered as a front-line tactic to overcome the current American opiate/opioid epidemic, saving millions from death and unwanted locked-in-addiction. If we continue down the prim road path of fighting addiction to narcotics with narcotics, we are doomed to fail. This lesson can also have global interest.


  • Addiction to psychoactive drugs poses a significant threat to the health of the social and economic fabric of families, communities, and nations

  • The authors, contend for the application of long-term assistance, which stimulates “dopamine homeostasis” or in other words, promotes “normalcy.” We propose that this approach could be achieved through several holistic methods including, but not limited to, dopamine-enhancing diets, hyper-oxygenation, toxic heavy metal detoxification, exercise, meditation, yoga, and most notably, balancing brain neurotransmitters utilizing nutraceuticals (i.e., KB220 variants)

  • The Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) fine-tunes the correct quantity of dopamine to be released at the NAC into the synapse to stimulate nine receptors, whereby D1 and D2 are the major receptors. This process provides for enhanced well-being and anti-stress [30,31,32,33,34,35]. Neuroimaging studies in both humans and rat models have shown that KB220z increases resting state functional connectivity in a default putative network as well as the recruitment of dopamine firing in selective brain reward regions, leading to reduced dopamine deficiency, homeostasis, and reduced opiate/opioid craving [36,37] One other important aspect is that in double-blind human studies, the variant KB220 has been shown to block stress in addicted patients measured via skin– conductance, significantly enhancing well-being, and preventing relapse to psychoactive drugs of abuse including heroin [38,39]

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Addiction to psychoactive drugs poses a significant threat to the health of the social and economic fabric of families, communities, and nations. This process provides for enhanced well-being (reward and pleasure) and anti-stress (blocking unwanted pain related stress up-regulated molecules such as norepinephrine, corticotropin releasing factor, vasopressin, hypocretin, and substance P) [30,31,32,33,34,35] Neuroimaging studies in both humans and rat models have shown that KB220z increases resting state functional connectivity in a default putative network as well as the recruitment of dopamine firing in selective brain reward regions, leading to reduced dopamine deficiency, homeostasis, and reduced opiate/opioid craving [36,37] One other important aspect is that in double-blind human studies, the variant KB220 has been shown to block stress in addicted patients measured via skin– conductance, significantly enhancing well-being, and preventing relapse to psychoactive drugs of abuse including heroin [38,39]

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