
For more information, please contact: Stefania Vasarri, svasarri@mapigroup.com www.mapigroup.com  The following methodology was used (see Figure 1): 1. Clarification of concepts investigated by each item of the original measure with the developers to ensure they are reflected appropriately in the target languages. 2. Forward and backward translation steps in each target country: Forward translation: Two qualified translators, native speakers of the target language, proficient in English and living in the target country, produced a translation of the original measure into the target language without mutual consultation. The consultant reviewed the two versions, compared them with the original, and established a consensus version (i.e., the first Target Language Version) in consultation with the translators (reconciliation step). Backward translation: One qualified translator, native speaker of English, proficient in the target language, with no knowledge of the original English text, produced a translation into English of the first version, as literal as possible. The consultant compared the backward translation, the original English measure, and the first version. For each item, the consultant analyzed the backward translation and determined whether it reflected the first version appropriately. All discrepancies between the backward translation and the original measure were carefully examined (inaccurate back translation or inaccurate forward version?) and decisions were made on amending or not the first version. All backward translations were reviewed by the developers, which led to additional discussions between the consultant and Mapi until satisfactory solutions were found. At the end of the process, a second target language version was created. 3. Proofreading: the second version was proofread. At the end of the process the final version was created.  The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) is a questionnaire developed for parents and teachers of school-age children to assess executive function behaviors of children and adolescents in the school and home environments. It is composed of 86 items organized in eight clinical scales (Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control, Initiate, Working Memory, Plan/Organize, Organization of Materials, Monitor) and two validity scales (Inconsistency and Negativity). It is used to evaluate children/adolescents aged 5-18 years old with a wide spectrum of developmental and acquired neurological conditions, such as learning disabilities, Tourette's disorder, traumatic brain injury, attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder or pervasive developmental disorders/autism.  The objective of this study was to develop the BRIEF in four Balto-Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Serbian) and one Uralic language (Estonian). See Table 1.

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