
Smart grids have emerged as a transformative technology in the energy sector, enabling efficient electricity management, improved reliability, and integration of renewable energy sources. The necessity to promote smart grid (SG) has been recognized with a strong consensus. The SG integrates electrical grids and communication infrastructures and forms an intelligent electricity network working with all connected components to deliver sustainable electricity supplies. Many advanced communication technologies have been identified for SG applications with a potential to significantly enhance the overall efficiency of power grids. However, the widespread deployment of smart grids raises concerns about the privacy and security of the data collected and transmitted by these systems. To address these concerns, this paper proposes a comprehensive framework for ensuring privacy and security in smart grid systems. This framework includes encryption techniques, access control mechanisms, and robust authentication protocols. Additionally, this paper discusses the importance of user awareness and education in mitigating privacy and security risks. The research contributes to the existing literature on smart grid privacy and security by providing insights specific to the information technology security domain. The findings of this manuscript will be valuable for policymakers, energy providers, and researchers working towards the development of secure and privacy-preserving smart grid systems.

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