
State regulation is the mechanism in agrarian sphere of economy to organize its functioning which is proved by experience of economically developed countries in which the active stimulating role of market mechanisms in agrarian sphere is realized with combination of state influence on the principle that market stimulates and state corrects. Ensuring competitiveness of the agrarian sector is possible when the state takes a significant part of functions of its development and the regulating role of the state increases as competition in the agrifood market grows stronger. The system of state impact on the agricultural sector should be designed with the following objectives: promoting the development of the industry with the creation of an effective system of marketing and processing of products; ensuring the effectiveness and availability of state support with the maximum coverage of rural producers; implementation of a targeted export policy and promotion of Kazakhstan's brand of organic products. Price relations that emerge in the grain market are marked by a tendency of reducing the role of measuring and stimulating function of grain prices. Significant gap between supply price (price of agricultural commodity producers) and price of grain purchase by processing enterprises, absence of stable proportional dependence between price for grain and price for products of its processing in separate branches and links of grain product subcomplex is typical for price chain production-sales-processing. Real tools of state regulation of agrifood market are the use of tariff and non-tariff regulation of import and export of agricultural products, raw materials and food, material and technical resources, with the adoption of a special target program to adapt the agroindustrial complex to WTO conditions; antitrust measures, technical regulations, certification and licensing; procurement and commodity interventions with changes in the order and mechanism of their conduct, pledge operations, expanding the purchase of products for the state and the market of agricultural products.

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