
Recent research shows that the state of students’ health worsens and their physical activity is insufficient. The reasons for this phenomenon are various: constant increase in academic workload, insufficient number of Physical Education classes included in the curriculum, high cost of modern fitness services, etc. In addition, the traditional form of Physical Education lessons does not contribute to the students’ growth of interest in the process of physical culture and health activities, which involves the acquisition of an appropriate set of knowledge, skills and abilities. The lack of scientific papers dedicated to the comparison of students’ priorities in the choice of physical and recreation activities, in particular, those of medical students, stipulated the choice of the theme and aim of the given research – to determine the priorities of 4th year students majoring in “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” in their choice of physical and health recreation activities and popular sports. The survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire. Students were supposed to give a single answer to a question. The survey was conducted in October in 2020–2021 academic year at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University. The survey encompassed 46 4th year Ukrainian students of medical faculty, specialty “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy”. In the course of our research we used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, interviews, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. The analysis of students’ answers allowed to single out certain tendencies and characteristic features of their sports interests. The study concluded that to improve the process of students’ physical education their interests should be taken into account, in particular through the introduction of the course “Health and Rehabilitation Swimming” for the 3rd year students of the specialty “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy”.


  • Healthy lifestyle is one of the main factors of human longevity

  • Interest in the educational process of physical education can be increased if you use such types of physical activity, which are very popular among young students

  • There are a number of problems in planning and organizing students’ independent work, which are primarily due to the lack of scientifically sound norms of students’ independent work during the course, lack of clear fixation of students’independent work time, insufficient methodological support for independent work

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Healthy lifestyle is one of the main factors of human longevity. Promotion of healthy lifestyle is the only factor which enables people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Correction of students’ nutrition (adding trace elements and vitamins into the diet, maintaining the correct ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) is prerequisite which can increase their cognitive and intellectual capacity, their level of socialization, reduce the risk of development of atherosclerosis in working age, diabetes, hypertension, malignant tumours, osteoporosis etc. It is proved that the main causes of hypertension, myocardial infarction, and diseases of the cardiovascular system include unhealthy lifestyle, malnutrition, and smoking. In the maintenance of the health and formation of healthy lifestyle, family education, educational and wellness institutions play a great role. Healthy lifestyle includes the right day regimen, proper correlation between work and rest, healthy diet, communicating with family members, friends and nature, and, most of all, physical education

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