
Introduction and purpose of the study. The article is devoted to theoretical substantiation of models of specially organized motor activity of students of different groups of specialties. The urgency of this problem is due to the fact that the decrease in motor activity of student youth, which is observed in the current conditions of intensification of education, causes the deterioration of health, decrease in physical fitness and working capacity of future specialists. The hypothesis of the study - the use of models of specially organized physical activity in the system of physical education of students of different groups of specialties, will allow to ensure the proper volume of their physical activity and will contribute to better training of future specialists for fulfilling their professional duties. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the models of motor activity of students of different groups of specialties in order to ensure the proper volume of motor activity and improve the quality of training of future specialists to perform their professional duties. Materials and methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and methodological literature data; pedagogical observation, sociological (questioning, questioning); method of expert evaluation, methods of mathematical statistics. The researches were conducted on the basis of institutions of higher education of the city of Dnipro - DNU, PDABA, DUAN. 60 teachers of physical education departments and 180 students of different specialty groups participated in the study. Results. The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature shows that one of the reasons for the deterioration of the state of health and the decrease of the physical fitness of the student youth is the insufficient level of physical activity. In order to solve this problem, the authors substantiate the models of physical activity of students of different groups of specialties, which are based on the combination of different forms of physical exercises, developed in accordance with the recommendations of teachers of the departments of physical education; the importance of various sports and exercise for the development of professionally important qualities; duration of self-preparation. The models are aimed at achieving the optimum level of physical activity of students within the recommendations of the current basic program in the discipline "Physical Education". Conclusions. The results of the peer review indicate the feasibility of using the proposed models to achieve the optimal level of motor activity of students, strengthen their health, improve physical fitness, improve the quality of training of future professionals. Keywords: students, different specialty groups, models, physical activity

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