
ANNOTATION: Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the legal regulation of the principles of transparency, openness and publicity in the activities of non-governmental organizations. The author focuses on the problems of this issue in Ukraine in the context of European integration. The purpose of the study is to reveal the peculiarities and identify the problematic issues of legislative consolidation of the above principles. Such methods of scientific research as logical-semantic, formal-legal, system-structural, comparative-legal, etc. were used to solve the set goals and tasks. Summary of the main research results. European standards on the principles of transparency, openness and publicity in the activities of non-governmental organizations are considered. Some international acts that establish and disclose the above principles are analyzed. Attention is focused on the Ukrainian legislation which enshrines the principles of transparency, openness and publicity in the activities of certain non-governmental organizations: public associations, employers' unions, trade unions, political parties, etc. Conclusions. The author emphasizes the existence a problem with the legal regulation of the principles of transparency, openness and publicity regarding the activities of certain types of non-governmental organizations, which should be resolved by amending the current legislation of Ukraine.

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