
The increasing complexity of medical care environment and medical education and practices has made the understanding the principles and concepts of training, development, and the related concepts and disciplines necessary for doctors practicing at almost any level. Physicians particularly consultants are frequently placed in teaching and training positions. Many doctors are teaching medical students in medical schools and training residents in teaching and university hospitals. In addition, many doctors have an obligation to the development of their students, trainee, and their organizations. Therefore, the principles and concepts of development have become increasingly relevant to doctors running hospitals, medical schools and other health institutions and centers. For most doctors, understanding of the concepts and disciplines related to development and training such as training methods, learning methods, coaching and mentoring is also useful. In addition, many doctors are responsible for the training and development of employees who are not doctors such as nurses, allied health professionals, and other management employees. Physicians who are having instructor's and trainer's duties must have satisfactory knowledge in educational learning theory to perform their role effectively. Understanding the learning process is a key element of educational learning theory and provides a framework for teachers and trainers to plan, create and deliver effective lessons, and assess each student's learning. The aim of this paper is to provide a useful compendium of the conceptual structure of training and its methodologies. This paper serves well as a source of information to help doctors in training their fewer senior colleagues in different medical and clinical settings. In addition to enabling the essential understanding of the conceptual background of the process of training in general and training of trainers, this book can also help in optimizing the effectiveness of the training designed to build a potential cadre of trainers.

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