
In March 2020, the Russian education system suddenly found itself in a situation where it was not necessary to develop online courses in addition to full-time training, but it to reconstruct the full-time learning environment and processes completely in the online space. Many educators have realized that we cannot conduct classes in an online environment in the same way that we did in a real classroom. This article is devoted to the identification of the principles of building pedagogical interaction in the conditions of distance learning. Various interpretations of the concept of “pedagogical interaction” are given. It is concluded that different researchers define the essence of pedagogical interaction in different ways, but they all agree that pedagogical interaction is a multi-border phenomenon with a complex internal structure that combines educational, didactic and socio-pedagogical spheres. The principles of pedagogical interaction in the traditional classroom format are summarized. The article describes the features of building pedagogical interaction with the use of modern information and communication technologies and digital means of implementing the educational process. The article analyzes the features and principles of communication in the online environment in the conditions of the forced transition to distance learning in March 2020. Based on the experience gained in teaching in an online environment, the principles of pedagogical interaction in a remote format are proposed: clarity and consistency, communication with real communication by means of video meetings, multimodality-alternating different types of activities in order to reduce the time spent in front of the screen, game-based computer training, detailed planning of online classes.

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