
Paleocene basaltic lavas exposed on Baffin Island have the highest 3He/4He found in any terrestrial igneous rocks and potentially contain the most pristine primordial mantle material exposed on Earth's surface. By vacuum-crushing large (1–3 g) olivine mineral separates, we extracted enough magmatic gas to obtain the first coupled helium, neon, and argon isotopic compositions of Baffin Island lavas. The five Baffin Island olivine samples have 3He/4He ranging from 36.2 ± 0.6 to 48.6 ± 1.3 (1σ) times the atmospheric ratio (Ra), overlapping with the highest known mantle values. Neon isotopic results fall on a mixing line between atmosphere and a high 20Ne/22Ne mantle endmember (with a maximum 20Ne/22Ne of 12.2). The slope of this mixing line is indistinguishable from that in subglacial Holocene glass from Iceland, but distinct from other hotspots and mid-ocean ridge basalt trends. This result supports the hypothesis that Baffin Island and Iceland lavas share a common high-3He/4He mantle component, despite the fact that recent paleogeographic reconstructions place the Iceland hotspot far from Baffin Island at the time of eruption (61 Ma). Our results also demonstrate that high-3He/4He mantle reservoirs have 3He/22Ne variability that either reflects ancient mantle heterogeneity or helium addition in the upper or lower mantle.

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