
AbstrakEksistensi hak kesehatan sebagai fundamental right yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu telah diakui secara kontitusional. Hakikatnya, kesehatan harus dijamin dengan adanya suatu kepastian hukum melalui upaya peningkatan kualitas kesehatan. Namun, beberapa daerah masih memiliki keterbatasan akses pelayanan kesehatan dasar di puskesmas. Hambatan tersebut terlihat dari minimnya jumlah puskesmas dan kesenjangan fasilitas antardaerah, kurangnya berbagai faktor penunjang, serta terbatasnya kuantitas tenaga kesehatan yang akan mempengaruhi capaian kesehatan masyarakat. Pemberlakuan jam operasional dalam rangka mengurangi angka penyebaran covid-19 mengakibatkan terjadinya dua kondisi yang kontras. Kondisi pertama menimbulkan overcapacityyang berisiko memicu kerumunan, sedangkan kondisi kedua menyebabkan penurunan jumlah kunjungan masyarakat ke puskesmas. Hal ini perlu menjadi fokus pemerintah, guna meningkatkan pemerataan pelayanan kesehatan pada daerah terdampak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlu strategi oleh pemerintah dalam mengatasi dinamika kesehatan sebagai suatu penyempurnaan kerangka kebijakan dalam mewujudkan target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pada sektor pelayanan kesehatan di daerah. Untuk itu, penulis beranggapan perlu adanya kepastian jaminan melalui Primary Health Care Improvement sebagai solusi alternatif yang tepat, guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan puskesmas di daerah terdampak dalam memitigasi covid-19.
 The existence of the right to health as a fundamental right that every individual owns has been recognized constitutionally. In essence, health must be guaranteed by the presence of a legal certainty through efforts to improve the quality of health. However, some areas still have limited access to essential health services at community health centres. These obstacles can be seen from the minimal number of community health centres and the gap in facilities between regions, the lack of various supporting factors, and the limited quantity of health workers that will affect public health outcomes. The implementation of operating hours to reduce the spread of COVID-19 resulted in two contrasting conditions. The first condition causes overcapacity, which risks crowds, while the second condition causes a decrease in the number of community visits to the community health centres. These conditions need to be the government's focus to increase the distribution of health services in affected areas. This study uses a normative legal research method with an approach to legislation and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the government needs a strategy in overcoming the dynamics of health as a refinement of the policy framework in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets in the regional health service sector. For this reason, the authors think that there is a need for guarantees through Primary Health Care Improvement as an appropriate alternative solution to improve the quality of community health centres services in affected areas in mitigating COVID-19.

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