
The following paper present the study results of the influence of synthetic plant growth regulators (Biodux, Energen, K-Humate-Na mineral) on the soil germination of rare wild-growing peonies seeds (P. anomala L., P. hybrida Pall., P. lactiflora Pall., P. mlokosewitschii Lomak., P. tenuifolia L., P. delavayi Franch, P. suffruticosa Andr.) on the basis of the Botanical Garden Institute of the Ufa Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Red Books of the regions and countries are listed, which include the studied species and the statuses of their rarity. Detailed information on the geography and culture of species is presented. Life forms, ecotypes and phenoritmotypes of cultivars are described. Seeding of seeds (in the amount of 150 pieces in each variant of the experiment) collected from plants of local reproduction was made in the autumn of 2013 on the ridges of a specially designated site in the open ground. The positive effect of the studied preparations on soil germination is shown. So, as a result of the spring 2015 experience, from 15 to 87% of the seed number seeded, depending on the variant, have risen. The maximum value of seed germination (87%) was obtained in P. mlokosewitschii in the experiment variant using the Biodux preparation. The effect of growth regulators depends significantly on the specific features of peonies: for each species, the selection of individual physiologically active substances and the optimal conditions for their use are necessary. The analysis of changes in morphometric parameters in the studied species showed that under the influence of growth regulators in most seedlings, such parameters as plant height (the maximum increase in the parameter by 1,4 times with K-Humate-Na mineral preparation), the leaf length (in 1,3 times when using Biodux), the number of leaves (3,0 times when using Biodux) increase. For the peonies species studied, the most effective preparations are Energen for seed germination, Biodux and K-Humate-Na mineral for increasing morphometric parameters. Most responsive to these growth regulators were the following: P. delavayi and P. suffruticosa.


  • Максимальное значение всхожести семян (87%) получено у P. mlokosewitschii в варианте опыта с использованием препарата Biodux

  • Всхожесть семян, % Высота растений, мм Длина листа, мм Количество листьев, шт

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В статье представлены результаты изучения влияния синтетических регуляторов роста растений (Biodux, Энерген, K-Humate-Na & mineral) на грунтовую всхожесть семян редких дикорастущих пионов (P. anomala L., P. hybrida Pall., P. lactiflora Pall., P. mlokosewitschii Lomak., P. tenuifolia L., P. delavayi Franch, P. suffruticosa Andr.) на базе Ботанического сада-института Уфимского научного центра Российской академии наук. В результате опыта весной 2015 года взошло от 15 до 87% от посеянного числа семян в зависимости от варианта. Анализ изменений морфометрических параметров у изученных видов показал, что под действием регуляторов роста у большинства сеянцев увеличиваются такие показатели, как высота растений (максимальное увеличение параметра – в 1,4 раза при применении препарата KHumate-Na & mineral), длина листа (в 1,3 раза при использовании Biodux), количество листьев (в 3,0 раза при использовании Biodux).

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