
Sir .—Two recent editorials prompt me to voice my opinion concerning status of pediatrics. I am disturbed by comments of my close friend and colleague, Dr Helfer, 1 that appeared in AJDC under title Primary Care: Does It Belong in Pediatrics? Dr Helfer's article concerned me, but a second editorial, 2 also by a close friend and colleague, convinced me to write in rebuttal. Dr Helfer 1 argues that the time may have come for pediatricians to stop apologizing for delivering primary care and see it as it is, ie, a means to an end, a way to make a living... (and not too bad or unenjoyable a living at that). If I understand Dr Helfer correctly, he believes that primary care should be seen as (1) a way by which pediatricians make a good and enjoyable living and (2) a means by which practice can be

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