
match results are in: number of positions offered, 12; number of applicants matched, 12; number of men, three; number of women, nine. This is the first year in my memory that women have outnumbered men by 3 to 1. As I reflected back and looked forward, I wondered, what will these nine women face when they begin their pediatric careers this summer? Last year was dubbed The Year of the Woman, referring to the gains of women in politics in the 1992 election. Pediatrics has been witness to a similar, although more substantive, growth in the numbers of women in its ranks. When I graduated from medical school in 1959, there were four women in a class of 75 students. In my internship (PL-1) year, there were 59 men and one lone, scared, short woman from the hills of Idaho. Now, more than 50% of the medical students and

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