
An experimental investigation of primary breakup dynamics and spray characteristics of a rotary atomizer with high aspect ratio radial-axial discharge channel is described. A high-resolution shadow imaging technique with pulsed backlight illumination was used for spray visualization. For the rotary atomizer with high aspect ratio discharge channel and radial-axial orientation, visualization showed the occurrence of Centripetal–Coriolis-induced stream-mode injection for all operating conditions. In this mode of injection, a crescent liquid film forms in the channel exit and issues from the orifice as a liquid column or a thin liquid sheet depending on atomizer operating conditions. It was found that the liquid Weber number value determines the state of the injected liquid stream (column or sheet) during the breakup process. The breakup process was studied with the variation of rotational speed and liquid volume flow rate. A morphological classification of the different modes of breakup is obtained from the flow visualizations. Four breakup modes have been observed for the present range of test parameters. These include Rayleigh, bag, stretched ligament, and shear breakup modes. These modes are separated by transitional regimes. The results suggest qualitative similarities between the primary breakup of the present rotary atomizer with a non-turbulent liquid jet and a fan like liquid sheet under a gas cross flow. The maximum liquid stream penetration height was measured for some operating conditions. It is concluded that this parameter is depend on the momentum flux ratio and liquid Weber number. To further evaluate features of the spray, the droplet size measurements have been conducted using the PDIA technique. The results indicate that there is a relatively strong correlation between the SMD values and liquid Weber number, while a properly non-dimensionalized droplet size is well correlated with the momentum flux ratio and Rossby number.

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