
The article begins by considering priesthood as a family pastoral care vocation in the local Catholic Church, South Africa. For most priests the priesthood is the superlative gift, a particular calling to participate in the mystery of Christ, a calling which confers on priests the inspiring possibility of speaking and acting in God’s holy name. Pope John Paul II stated that the church prays continuously for new priestly callings and celebrates at the increase in such vocations. Priest make promises relating to the sacrament of the priesthood and these all have great implications. What is essentially in the balance is the word priests ultimately give to Jesus Christ himself. Loyalty to the vocation builds up the holy church, and when there is an act of unfaithfulness this indeed a painful wound to the mystical body of Our Lord. This work deliberates upon the vocation of the priesthood as a career, and it briefly examines and assesses the challenges encountered in promoting the priestly vocation. This includes the manageable number of young people who decide to become priests. Various causes are linked, such as for example the departure from the spiritual life, the disappointment of the missionaries, the induction of young men, the need for participation and commitment. It’s an issue that requires important internal and external collaboration. A critical analysis of the social milieu of local South African Catholic Church serves as a methodology.

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